Diana Garcia Gil

Diana Garcia Gil

Senior UX Specialist

Hi and welcome to my site!. I am a UX designer and developer with 10+ years of experience. I strongly believe UX has to start from an holistic approach that covers not only the interface and user interactions but the tech performance and optimization. The digital enviroment is always evolving and you can't stop learning.


Work Experience

For the past years I have worked for some top companies that allowed me to collaborate with some of the best world brands. Display, Web development, Rich Media, UX research and analysis, Design, Animation, Apps Creations, Web Analytics... are some of the projects developed for a large array of brands.

Check my resume here


You can't stop learning in the digital enviroment. If you don't get to learn something new everyday (be it small or huge) you will get stuck


Through the years I worked for many amazing projects and brands. Some of them were huge assignments and some of them were small, but all of them were crafted with passion and involvement.

Check my portfolio

Contact Me

If you have any question or are interested in chatting about any opportunities feel free to contact me through my mail or my Linkedin profile