
Discover my gallery of past works. Bear in mind that this is only an extract of the most relevant designs and developments that I can display online.


It's TV Wonder

Itstvwonder.com saw the light as a three day project, we needed asap a website to launch with a display campaign so the design started along with code. It was quick and effective and had lots of fun creating it.

Worked on...
Branding Coding UX Creativity Display
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Psico-Aid is probably the best Psychological Therapy Assistance in Madrid so it was such a honor to develop a new branding and website that stands for the values and goals that Dr. Tenorio practises every day. Created a logo and style guide for the website and printed media. Developed the web over wordpress framework.

Worked on...
Branding Coding UX Creativity Wordpress
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OAE Barcelona

After working quite a few months with the tech department of Deloitte OAE Barcelona was missing some applied creativity and design to their business oriented onboarding webpage. My role as UX designer was to refresh UX architecture and design a new style that combined the old branding with a new look and feel

Worked on...
UX Architecture UI Creativity


My role for Cunef was to code the frontend and align it with the brand design the team worked on. Developed for Liferay, one of my main tasks was to adapt and make user friendly (for real) the onboarding form, in a quite understandable way.

Worked on...
Coding UX Creativity
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It's a little bit difficult to choose among all the thinks I designed, planned and coded during these years, but I am doing my best. Meanwhile:

Working on it...

Contact Me

If you have any question or are interested in chatting about any opportunities feel free to contact me through my mail or my Linkedin profile